After submitting my Sinatra project, I decided it was time to switch from the Learn IDE to using a local environment. This idea of seeing up a local environment has been intimidating, but I decided today was the day to learn about it.
After what felt like endless tinkering, I’m finally nearing the end of my Sinatra project!!! Surprisingly, the most challenging part was figuring out how I wanted to structure my website, and how I wanted it to look and feel to the user (not using Sinatra and setting up a working web app, which actually seemed pretty simple).
It’s been interesting starting to build applications with Models, Views, and Controllers. It feels like I’m starting to understand what goes on behind the scenes when you log into a website.
After having gotten through my final projects in the Object Oriented Ruby section, I was excited to start learning about SQL and databases. The next step!
It’s hard to believe that a little over a month ago I had no idea what I was doing, but now I’ve just completed my first CLI Gem that shows you the status of the MTA Service! It was really challenging to scrape the MTA site- I still have some issues, and as with any creative endeavor, how can you ever tell when it’s done? After a good talk with my education coach, I decided to hit submit!