MFeuer's Tech Blog

Woman Takes Tech

Selection Sort vs. Merge Sort

Selection Sort

Binary Trees

Trees are a recursive data structure, like array and linked lists, but they connect nodes in a parent/child relationship. For example, every array is made up of smaller arrays. Similiarly, a tree is made up of smaller trees. If we were to remove a node from a tree, we would still have a tree.

Inner and Outer Joins

A SQL JOIN is a way to combne roys from two or more tables based on a common column between them. Relational databases allow us to store related data and then retrieve that data in ways that reflect its interconnectivity.

Linked Lists

A Singly Linked List is like a scavenger hunt. The benefit of using Linked Lists is that there is constant insertion time O(1). Access, search and deletion time is all linear O(n). Here’s a table of how Linked Lists compare to other Data Structures in terms of time complexity.

More React Hooks!

This week, I’m digging deeper into React Hooks. I’ll be giving a talk about React Hooks tomorrow at a React Ladies Lightning Talks event! I’m super excited, and this will be my first tech talk ever. Here’s a link to some slides I created for the occasion, and I’ll embed the slides below: