Today is my 42nd day in a row that I have worked toward becoming that cool coding woman in tech! I’m already making things I would have never been able to conceptualize a month ago, and having fun figuring it out. Some nights I have a hard time tearing myself away from my computer, and my dreams are in code.
Yesterday I submitted my TicTacToe with AI project. It was fun experimenting with different strategies for the computer player. I reconfigured my code for the #won? method to create a defensive strategy- the computer could check the board to see if its opponent had filled two of the three cells in any win combination. Foiled!
Today I finished the Student Scraper project, and now I’m learning about the CLI Data Gem- my first portfolio project! Thinking about having my CLI Data Gem tell you about indie music shows in your area, or yoga class schedules, or current MTA service status (to avoid getting stuck underground). The possibilities!
Thank you Flatiron School Community for encouraging me to do this. So far, so good.